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E-seed presented at the Singapore Design Week
Morphing Matter Lab participated in the Singapore Design Week 2024, as part of the EAT:TRANS-FORMATIVESEEDS exhibition at the National Design Centre, Singapore.

E-seed presented at the London Design Biennale
Morphing Matter Lab participated in the 2023 edition of the London Design Biennale as a part of Automorph Network, an interdisciplinary group of researchers and designers developing the future of self-shaping materials.

SimuLearn table in Design Senior Show.

Transformative Appetite and Printed Paper Actuator are exhibited at Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing
Morphing Matter is ?

SHAPE-CHANGING PASTA has been awarded with a honorable mention in Creative Food Cycles
Morphing Matter is ?

Jenny and Jianzhe exhibit Geodesy in Miller Gallery
Morphing Matter is ?