Qiuyu ‘Luca‘ Lu, PhD
Postdoc Fellow
Digital Fabrication, Sustainable Interface, Bio-Inspired Interface, Interactive arts
Qiuyu ‘Luca‘ Lu is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Human Computer Interaction institute at Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests focus on human-computer interaction, particularly in bio-inspired and bio-hybrid interface, novel materials for interface design, digital fabrication, and interactive art. By blending science and art, engineering and design, he devotes himself to explore the future form of user interface and define corresponding new interaction paradigm. His research work was published on premier conferences of HCI and his art work was presented on famous exhibitions like Ars Electronica.
MetaLife, Interactive Art Installation, Ars Electronica Festival and 6 other exhibitions
Fireflies, New Media Art Installation, Triennale Milano 21st
LIME, Liquid Metal Non-Rigid Interface, UIST 2016 Demo
Interaction Technology, Tsinghua University. Course Designer, Teaching Assistant.
Smart Hardware Interaction Foundation, Tsinghua University. Course Designer, Teaching Assistant.
Tangible Interface Design, Tsinghua University. Lecturer for Smart Material Interface Session, Teaching Assistant.
Mar. 2018, National Scholarship Council Fellowship
Jun. 2017, Outstanding Graduates
Oct. 2016, National Scholarship
Mar. 2016, Best Poster, Chinese CHI
Nov. 2015, Best Hardware Innovation, UIST SIC
Oct. 2015, The Zh. D.l. Scholarship