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Clemens Winkler

Clemens Winkler is a design researcher and deals with experiments at the interfaces of ephemeral material processes and actual socio-technological, scientific and geopolitical topics. At the Cluster of Excellence “Matters of Activity” at Humboldt University Berlin, Clemens currently researches micro-climates, metabolic cloud formations and algorithmic weathering. He has exhibited internationally and mentored recently at “Design Products”, Royal College of Art London, “Ginkgo Bioworks Creative Residency” program and “Interaction Design” department at Zurich University of the Arts.

Clemens studied at “Interface Cultures” at Art University, Linz, Austria, “Design Interactions” at the Royal College of Art, London, UK and the MIT Media Labs, Boston.

Keywords: material mediated art and design

Talk Title: Speculating Materials
How can we give people agency in a vague, cloudy present by reflecting on a Heterotopia through speculating materials? And how can a material-oriented approach in design emphasize the organic interplay between activation/synthesis/assembly and inhibition/degradation/disruption? Also, this talk reflects on the potential of matter as a mediator between various disciplines, spaces and timescales.

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