Morphing Matter Lab

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Geometrically optimized conference table was born.

This is a part of team effort between Dev Lab and Morphing Matter Lab from Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. We computationally designed and fabricated a set of furniture for our new lab construction.

The design tool (a sketch-based, real-time interactive tool for people to directly express and iterate on their designs via 2D topology optimization) is originated from a research project led by Dr. Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen from Dev Lab at CMU.

Product Design: Guanyun Wang
Software Development: Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen

Special Thanks:
Video Concept: Lining Yao
Fabrication Support: Scott Hudson
Model: Ye Tao
Fabrication: John Antanitis
Fabrication and Filming Assistant: Jianzhe Gu
Cinematographer: Tingyu Cheng
Music: Youngwook Do

Research paper: Forte: User-Driven Generative Design
Authors are: Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen, Ye Tao, Guanyun Wang, Runchang Kang, Tovi Grossman, Stelian Coros, Scott E. Hudson.