Geometrically optimized conference table was born.

This is a part of team effort between Dev Lab and Morphing Matter Lab from Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. We computationally designed and fabricated a set of furniture for our new lab construction.

The design tool (a sketch-based, real-time interactive tool for people to directly express and iterate on their designs via 2D topology optimization) is originated from a research project led by Dr. Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen from Dev Lab at CMU.

Product Design: Guanyun Wang
Software Development: Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen

Special Thanks:
Video Concept: Lining Yao
Fabrication Support: Scott Hudson
Model: Ye Tao
Fabrication: John Antanitis
Fabrication and Filming Assistant: Jianzhe Gu
Cinematographer: Tingyu Cheng
Music: Youngwook Do

Research paper: Forte: User-Driven Generative Design
Authors are: Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen, Ye Tao, Guanyun Wang, Runchang Kang, Tovi Grossman, Stelian Coros, Scott E. Hudson.


“Prepare to Be Hypnotized By These Delicate Paper Robots” from Wired


Printed Paper Actuator and Thermorph are exhibited at Ars Electronica, Bozar and Hyundai Motorstudio