Morphing Matter Lab

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Ecological HCI: Reflection and Future

Qiuyu Lu, Andreea Danielescu, Vikram Iyer, Pedro Lopes, Lining Yao.. CHI EA 2024. PDF I DOI

Detailed page regarding this Speical Interest Group:

In light of the HCI community’s growing alignment with Sustainable HCI (SHCI) and the awareness of its currently narrow focus. We propose Ecological HCI (EHCI). EHCI highlights emerging, nature-centric research efforts and aims to expand SHCI’s scope to encompass a broader range of Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations [16]. It focuses on understanding the complex interplay between technology, human activities, and the natural environment, and redefining HCI’s role in promoting ecological well-being. This special interest group will gather researchers to discuss key questions in EHCI’s development, focusing on refining its vision, positioning within HCI, technical approaches, design strategies, evaluation methods and long-term impact.